Manifesting Your Soul’s Purposes Certification – Spring 2024

In this class, the Akashic Light shines on you, your soul’s purposes, and your Destiny. This is the lifetime for consciously recognizing our Destiny, fulfilling our many Soul’s Purposes, experiencing deep personal satisfaction, and contributing our best to the whole of humanity. Deep within each of us is an awareness of magnificent possibilities, an awareness that inspires us to live remarkable lives. Our awesome opportunity as awakening individuals is to envision our Destiny, to recognize our Soul’s Intentions, and then, as everyday people living in our everyday world, to bring our Soul’s Purposes to Life!

Prerequisite: Discover Your Soul’s Path Through the Akashic Records, How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey and Healing Through the Akashic Records by Dr. Linda Howe. Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner, Healing Practitioner, and Soul’s Path Practitioner Certifications are required for participation.

Topics Covered in this Class:

– Awaken to Your Destiny and Akashic Manifestation
– Identify Your Soul’s Purposes
– Recognize and Release Obstructions
– Making Conscious Choices building the Bridge of your Destiny

Note from Linda:
We are living in times of dramatic upheaval at every level. It is time to activate your Spiritual Superpowers! Your awesome opportunity as an awakening individual is to recognize your Destiny, clarify your Soul’s Intentions, and bring your Soul’s Purposes to your everyday life. That is a tall order, but through the structure of this class, you can travel from awareness of your magnificent potential to effectively experiencing that potential. Unleash the infinite love, compassion, and understanding embedded in the core of your being–and live a life supercharged with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Make the contributions you have been holding in your heart and make the world a better place for everyone!

Use Promo Code “ADEPT10A” for $50 Early Bird savings, expires 2/27/24.


Hourly Schedule

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

10 am - 1 pm
Introduction & Pathway Prayer Process Review

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

10 am - 1 pm
Your Destiny & Akashic Manifesting

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

10 am - 1 pm
Your Soul's Purposes

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

10 am - 1 pm
Recognize and release obstacles

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

10 am - 1 pm
Conscious choices for manifesting your destiny

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Akashic Records With Amy