About Amy Mak


Amy's 20+ years in the healing arts profession and background in energy medicine and bodywork add depth and practicality to her readings and classes.
Amy Mak, Premier Elite Certified Teacher
Amy Mak
Amy Mak

About Amy Mak's Akashic Records Journey

My Akashic Records journey began after a year of searching for answers to a health challenge I could not resolve.

For the first time, I couldn't find solace or relief in any of my go-to practices - meditation, herbs, dietary adjustments, energy work, divination cards, affirmations, prayer, angel therapy, etc.

Everything I tried seemed to fall short, and I was drowning in self-doubt, confusion, and despair.

During my first Akashic Records reading in the spring of 2011, I began understanding what was happening in my body. It provided such profound relief that I knew I needed to explore the Akashic Records further.

A few months after my Akashic Record reading, I earned my Practitioner Certification in the Pathway Prayer Process©.

Even though my primary concern at the time was to seek solutions for my body, as I continued to work in my Records and read for others, I began to experience an increased ability to love and accept myself. More surprisingly, I discovered a new level of peace regarding my health that I never dreamed possible.

By 2013, I knew I wanted to be able to do more than give readings - I wanted to empower others to access this infinite, loving spiritual resource on their own.

I completed Dr. Linda Howe's Teacher Certification program in 2014, continued training with Dr. Howe, and earned the highest Teacher Certification level available (Premier Elite) in February 2022.

In 2022, I had the pleasure and honor of teaching with Dr. Howe at the Asia Teacher Training.

Most recently, I have been working closely with fellow Premier Elite Certified Teachers Kevin Jackson and Anika Ray to launch our inaugural Teacher Training program through the Worldwide Academy for Akashic Studies: Teacher Training 2025: Illuminating the Pathway Prayer Process© For Others.

About Amy Mak's Akashic Records Training

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Teacher Training (2014)

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Chicago, IL (2023)

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Teacher Training (2014)

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Teacher Training, Chicago, IL (2014)

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Denver, CO (2018)

Dr. Linda Howe and Amy Mak, Denver, CO (2018)